Frames - Sub Category Silver - Category

ID: 2277

A Silver Mounted Photograph Frame By Carr Of Sheffield 2000

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Photo frame 24cms x 18.5 cms. Carrs of Sheffield is a renowned British silverware company known for its high-quality sterling silver products. If you have a sterling silver photo frame by Carrs of Sheffield that is hallmarked with the year 2000, it indicates that the frame was made in that year and carries the official stamp of the Sheffield Assay Office to certify its silver content.

The hallmark is a legal requirement in the United Kingdom for silver items that meet the sterling silver standard. It confirms that the silver used in the photo frame is of the required purity (92.5% silver) and verifies the origin and authenticity of the piece.

Carrs of Sheffield is known for its craftsmanship and attention to detail, so a sterling silver photo frame from their collection is likely to be of excellent quality. The hallmark adds value and authenticity to the piece,

Seller Details

  • Address:
  • 21,
  • Watergate,
  • Whitchurch,
  • SY131DP,
  • Shropshire,
  • UK
  • Note:
  • Raven Yard Antiques Shop is a family run business located in the picturesque part of Shropshire in the Roman town of Whitchurch. We have a diverse selection of rare and historic goods to choose from. Please browse our online store or else visit our shop to see some of our amazing items. Due to a hospital appointment.